Scholarships for International LLB Students at Cardiff University | Kuliah Kelas Karyawan

Scholarships for International LLB Students at Cardiff University

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There are currently around 400 international students enrolled on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including the Bar Vocational Course and Legal Practice Course, within the School. Cardiff Law School offers two types of scholarship to international students (excluding students from the European Union): first, a £1,000 Entrance Bursary to those who achieve excellence at A-level or the equivalent; and second, Merit Scholarships to those who achieve outstanding academic performance whilst studying on the LLB programme at Cardiff. Terms and conditions for the awards are detailed below.

Eligibility: A £1,000 Entrance Bursary will be awarded to all students (EU not included) who enrol in the first year of the M100 LLB programme as full fee-paying students of international fee status, having achieved AAA at A-level or the local equivalent. Students whose fees are paid by a sponsor are not eligible for this bursary. The Merit Scholarships are available to first and second year undergraduate students who are enrolled on the M100 LLB programme as full fee-paying students of international fee status. Students whose fees are paid by a sponsor are not eligible for a scholarship.

Study Subject: LLB (Law)
Employer: Cardiff University
Level: Undergraduate

Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 June 2011

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