JEMES 2011 Master Scholarship in Environmental Studies | Kuliah Kelas Karyawan

JEMES 2011 Master Scholarship in Environmental Studies

Pusat informasi Kuliah Kelas Karyawan menyampaikan informasi tentang JEMES 2011 Master Scholarship in Environmental Studies sebagai berikut:

Eramus Mundus Scholarship for Joint European Master in Enviromental Studies (JEMES)
Eramus Mundus scholarships are available for applicants of exceptional merit from “third countries” and European Union. Following the values of the scholarships:

  • Cat A: total :48000 EUR
    • monthly instalments 24 x 1000 EUR
    • travel cost annual instalments 2 x 4000 EUR
    • participation fee 16000 EUR
  • Cat B: total 18000 EUR
    • monthly instalments 24 x 500 EUR
    • participation fee 6000 EUR

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 December 2010
Study Subject: Environmental Studies
Employer: Eramus Mundus
Level: Master’s

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